Maddie is in the Cubbie program of AWANA at our church this year and she loves it! Matt is over the AWANA program, so she has heard about AWANAs for the past year and was very excited when she was able to go. It is a great program where the kids hear Bible stories, sing songs and work on bible verse memorization. The second week was Parent's week so I was able to stay and see what Maddie gets to do each week. Mom kept Kallie and Davis went to Son Station (child care at the church). The kids go into their class and have an opening activity - the week I was in there they decorated a popsicle stick with their name on it with stickers and crayons. They then move to another room where they say the pledge of allegiance and the AWANA pledge, sing songs, and listen to a Bible story. After storytime they go to Game Time. The picture below is of Maddie doing a game at game time - they had a crawling race. Maddie did not seem to realize they were racing as she was not going very fast and was kind of weaving back and forth instead of going in a straight line.
After Game Time they went back to their room and went individually to their teachers to tell them the verse that they had learned for the week. Then the teachers presented the kids their Cubbie vest and Cubbie book that they will work on for the year.
Here is Maddie getting her vest and book from Ms. Cheryl.
With her vest on and holding her Cubbie book! I did not realize how proud she was of the vest until we got home when....
she asked if she could sleep in her Cubbie vest. She is not asleep in the picture above yet, but she did sleep in it and wore it over her clothes for the next 3 days - to the mall, the grocery store, around the house... She was very proud and I was excited for her and excited that she is liking Cubbies so much. She asks every day when she is going to AWANA! I will tell you more about the program throughout the year as I learn more myself. The main thing is they learn a new verse each week and about every other week will be earning patches to go on their vest.
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