Monday, August 30, 2010

Super Summer Adventure

We had Super Summer Adventure at Providence in June. We met from Monday through Thursday. I helped with the one year olds and did the music with another girl for the ones and twos. My friend Cheryl shared a few pictures that she had taken and I stole one from my friend Amy's blog.
Here is Maddie with her friend Claire - they were excited to be in the same class.
Maddie throwing a hula hoop into/towards the wading pool.

Playing a water relay carrying a cup full of water from one container to another.
Playing in the playroom with friends after an indoor picnic lunch.

Davis in music time. We still sing some of the songs we learned in SSA.
Davis with his buddy Luke in music time. It was a fun week, but kind of sad since we knew we would be leaving these friends soon.

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