Monday, March 23, 2009

7 Blogs in 7 Days Challenge: Day 2

Thursday Morning Trip to Chuck E. Cheese

Our family has discovered a great time for Chuck E. Cheese outings – Thursday mornings from 10am until 1pm.  (I write that like we go all the time, when in reality we have probably only been to Chuck E. Cheese four times in the last 18 months).  The two times that we have been to Chuck E. Cheese on Thursday mornings we have almost had the entire place to ourselves.  The kids love the freedom of being able to interact with whatever game or ride they want, and there is a much smaller chance of injury for the other guests.  I say that because Maddie and Davis may possibly be the most dangerous skee ballers ever!  Seriously!  Maddie tries to roll the ball but the motion is more of a side arm sling, and if she lets go too early you really don’t want to be standing at the lane next to her.  We could never let her play this game if there is a small child within about a 15 foot radius because Maddie could knock the kid senseless.  Davis on the other hand prefers the over-hand baseball throw, which never makes it all the way up but sure does make a ton of noise. 

On this particular trip Davis wanted to play all the games with balls.  (Imagine that!)  He enjoyed cheating in skee ball by walking all the way up the ramp and then baseball throwing it at the holes.  He also enjoyed sitting in the basketball game while others played the basketball game.  He liked catching the balls as they rolled back to whomever was playing.  Maddie on the other hand was particularly fascinated by a virtual roller coaster ride.  It was a great bargain as two people got to ride for just one token.  She rode it over and over and over.  Of course at 12:00 we had some pizza and watched Chuck E. Cheese and his band perform.  Afterwards we cashed in our tickets for a plastic spider, some stickers, and one or two other valuable prizes.  Then it was home for a nap!

March 2009 027

March 2009 024


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