Sunday, June 13, 2010

AWANA Awards

As you may remember Maddie has participated in the AWANA program at our church and she has loved it! As a matter of fact, she was so excited about getting her vest that she hardly ever took it off for the first couple of weeks and even slept in it as shown in the picture below.
Over the year she has learned around 35 verses, or portions of verses as what is expected and earned patches to fill up the letter "A" on her vest (Thank you Mimi for sewing them all on!) On May 12th there was an AWANA Awards night and here are some pictures.
Maddie with her friend Claire sitting waiting their turn to sing their Cubbies song and get their awards. Claire's mom, Cheryl, was one of Maddie's wonderful Cubbie leaders this year.

Singing their Cubbies song

Getting her award from her teachers Ms. Cheryl and Ms. Lisa. I really wish I had gotten a better picture of her with them.
Maddie with all of her loot - certificate, stuffed Cubbie bear for her vest, a cup with Cubbie Bear, Lovey Lamb and Ern E Elephant and our favorite - a coupon for a free Kids Meal at Chickfila - our favorite restaurant. We are so proud of you, Maddie and all of the verses you have hidden in your heart! She helped Mommy learn some more verses this year, too!

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