Friday, September 3, 2010

Frozen Custard

We had some gift cards to use up before we left Raleigh, so we took the kids go Goodberry's before they went to Mom and Dad's so we could pack up. Davis loves his "green ice cream" (mint chocolate chip).
This is what happens now if we do not strap Baby Kallie in REALLY well. She can get out of all kinds of buckles!
And of course we let them play in the fountain - just told them to try not to fall in.

Checking out Daddy's phone - our way of keeping her content just a little longer so that we can finish our ice cream.

Davis has really started making faces for the camera - such a clown!
This is from after the kids were at Mom's. Kallie was trying to get into a box, so I decided to just put her in one. She loved it and I was able to get some other packing done around her while she played. Thankful for friends and family who watched her in the mornings for me so that I could get some good packing done.

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