Friday, September 10, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday Sweet Kallie!

Taking a break from catching up on the blog to wish Kallie a happy 1st birthday. Here are some pictures of her from a year ago today....

And then from today - She started the morning off with a blueberry muffin and her very own cup of whole milk at breakfast. Matt had to blow the candle out really quick because she wanted to touch it.

Some things about Kallie at a year. We go for her well visit on Monday, so I will update height and weight then, but when we went for a doctor visit a couple of weeks ago she weighed 15lb 3oz (or somewhere close). She is very petite for her age and often people will ask how old she is and say they thought she was more like 8 months old. She is crawling all over the place and if she has a dress on or it is concrete she will crawl on both hands and both feet. She is definitely pulling up and cruising everything. She has let go and stood by herself a couple of times but not for very long. She has mastered stairs - goes up them great and turns around and comes down. She still only has 2 teeth, but that does not stop her from eating all table foods. She loves green beans, yogurt, crackers, hot dogs, and on and on... She is not saying any words really but will make all kinds of noises and pointing. She does say "mmmm" when she is hungry or thirsty. She is very interested in babies and baby dolls and will hug her baby dolls and give them a bottle and get a blanket for them. She loves climbing and today at the play area she climbed up a little slide and then turned around and slid down backwards on her tummy. She loves people and is usually smiling. She loves her sister and brother and sister and they love her. She does like to be right in the middle of what they are doing and they don't really like this, but she doesn't seem to let it bother her :) Happy birthday, sweet girl! We love you very much!

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