Saturday, September 4, 2010

Picking Blueberries & Around the House

Some friends have some blueberry bushes in their back yard and when we lived in Granite Falls before they told us we needed to come pick some and when we moved back their offer stood, so we headed over there. It was one of those days where nothing was going as planned, so we did not get over there until noon and it was HOT!! We picked one bucket full and the kids were getting hungry and hot, so we decided we would go back another evening to pick more to freeze. We are thankful they are so generous. Maddie really enjoyed picking them and did a great job sticking with it both times that we went. Davis, I am learning, is not into gardening. We had gone to another friend's garden to pick green beans and corn and cucumbers and he kept wanting to go inside. Here he wanted to do anything but pick blueberries. That is okay, though. We will definitely be doing this again next summer. Thanks, Sharon and Charlie!

Kallie, you will be helping next year!
Speaking of helping. Here is a picture of Davis helping Daddy measure to hang pictures around the house.

So fun watching boys help their Daddy with tools.

In an earlier post I talked about Kallie pointing to what she wants and kind of grunting. Maddie and Davis did not do this. Here she is showing us something she wants :)
Matt was outside with the kids and heard something behind him. When he turned around this is what he saw...

Sweet silly Kallie

1 comment:

Shannon Dingle said...

Oh my, your silly girl is getting so big! Precious :)

By the way, I've been loving all the posts lately. We miss you, but it's fun to keep up with you virtually.